Friday, January 29, 2010

Luxor to Aswan

Day 8 - 116km - Luxor to Idfu

Sorry no photos right now (poor internet connection - hopefully more photos soon).

Day 8 started with a painful achilles. Despite wanting to race I have decided that feeling good on the bike for the next four months is my main priority and I am going to take it easy. I rode with the Little Belgian, Laura and several other riders that I have not had the opportunity to talk to yet. The morning was fun and social - very different from the race pace which includes pace lines/trains and your eyes have to stay on the back wheel of the person in front of you at all times - really not the best way for me to see Africa - at least not everyday! Lunch was at a nice spot on the Nile and in the afternoon I continued on with a small group including Laura and American Rick (who has a house in Calgary). About 15km from the next camp Laura blew a tire and I changed it on the side of the road. Normally a tire change would not be very eventful but we were joined by several curious bystanders - 6 Egyptian men stood by and watched - I guess they have probably never seen a woman change a tire! The children on this route were very aggressive - I had a young boy try to put a bamboo stick through my spokes. It is was worse for those riders who are not really fast on the bike - the kids were ready with stones for them! We are to expect much more of this in Ethiopia.

Day 9 - 110 km - Idfu to Aswan

Feeling a little better on so decided to kick it out with some of the faster boys and Laura. I am still in 3rd position in the race in the women's category but have fallen hours behind the two leaders. They are strong and go out with guns a blazin' each day. My ride is going to be decidedly different especially if I am dealing with an injury. Still I can keep up with a bunch of the boys when I give it the old college try! When I ride with the boys we cruise somewhere between 30-35km for the full distance. When we arrived at Aswan (a port town much nicer than Luxor) we were joined by the local traffice police and they escorted us through the town to our camp - so nice to have a police escort! The camp was set up at a youth hostel with a grassy campsite. Showers and toilets (you DO NOT want me to detail the state of those facilities). After showering Tony (English and super nice), Laura, Steph (Canadian) and I decided we needed a little luxury before heading to Sudan so we took a taxi to the Basma Hotel (5 star hill side hotel with a gorgeous view of the Nile and the desert) for a couple of beers and a pizza. Then we "hailed" a horse and carriage to the local market in the town where we bartered for bananas, oranges and dates and shopped for food items to take on the ferry to Sudan. Continuing on our luxury tour of Aswan we took the little ferry boat across to Elephantine Island home to the Movenpick Hotel (another 5 star hotel). We went up to the 13th floor and watched the sunset on the Nile and the lights come on in Aswan - so beautiful. Then it was into the hotel restaurant for a sampling of the all-you-can-eat buffet. I am not normally a fan of buffets but wow - it was quite something and after meals in the camps (as amazing as James our cook is!) it was great to eat some salad, fish and delicious desserts. What a treat before leaving Eygpt for Sudan.

Day 10 - 17km - Across the Aswan Dams to the Ferry for Sudan

Not many people get to cross the Aswan Dams by bicycle and it was quite a thrill to ride over the Nile. No pictures allowed on the dam so we had to take it all in as we crossed. The ride was in convoy heading to the ferry.

The ferry ride is a whole blog so I will save that for tomorrow when I have the chance to get back to the internet cafe and th time to write some more.

Sorry so brief but it is late now and I think it might be best to have a male escort back to camp tonight. More soon and hopefully pictures a week down the road - if not tomorrow.

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