The day we crossed into Namibia it rained. I mean it really rained. The skies opened and the rain fell - in a way I had never experienced in my life. I arrived at the border with a ziplock bag in hand, dripping all over the immigration office, apologizing for my appearance and wet corners of my passport. In Botswana it rained but on that day/evening in Namibia it flooded. I was forced to evacuate my tent at 9pm - the bottom of my tent felt like a waterbed from the early 80s and I sought refuge on the porch of a small cabin - the exact footprint of my tent!
Don't let the stories of rain and tent flooding put you off - Namibia is stunning, so beautiful that I said one day as I rode into camp that if there is a heaven - I hope it looks like Namibia. I cried twice in Namibia when I rode in the rain to the top of the hill and looked down/over at the mountains and one afternoon when I was all alone and came upon a canyon. It might not make much sense but it really was so beautiful that it could make you cry. Even though some days on the bike were challenging and hard - I knew my TDA days were numbered and I wanted to soak it all up. I was about to turn 40 years old and I was completing my dream of riding my bike across Africa - that in itself was enough to make me cry!
I love Namibia - really - you should go!
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