We covered lots of ground in Zambia (approx 725 km in 5 days) and rolled into
Livingston pretty much exhausted. We had an extra rest day so a group of us reserved rooms for two nights at the amazing Victoria Falls Hotel on the Zimbabwe side (a special thanks to the lovely Jen for making all the arrangements!). We often cross borders on our bikes but this is the first time I have actually walked across an international border. The taxi dropped us at the Zambia border - we got our exit stamps and walked across a long bridge to the Zimbabwe border with the Victoria Falls separating the two countries. It is the end of the rainy season here so the falls are incredible and the spray can be seen for many kilometres.
We arrived at the Vic Falls Hotel and it was just my parents had described - an old colonial hotel with a huge terrace, game heads mounted on the walls, a gorgeous swimming pool and baboons roaming the grounds. I have spent only two other nights in a hotel on this trip (in
Ethiopia) but I was sick so I hardly feel like it was much of a break. This, however, felt like a holiday. There were several
TDA riders at the hotel but I spent most of my time with
Steph, Dan, Ruben, Erin, Paddy and Rick sitting on the terrace drinking
mojitos and swimming in the pool. The luxury of this beautiful hotel was such a treat - big buffet breakfasts, burgers poolside and beers in the afternoon. I had to practically be pushed off the terrace to go walk around the falls - seriously. I did make the trip on the last morning we were at the hotel - after breakfast I walked the 10 minutes from the hotel to the falls and spent an hour peering at the torrent of water rushing over the rocks and standing under the spray which soaks you to the skin. Victoria Falls really is one of the natural wonders of the world and really worth the walk from the hotel. The other riders would not have let me leave without seeing them. How could I ever say that I went to Vic Falls and didn't even see them? Of course, I am glad I made the effort! Pictures to follow in the next week or so.
It was hard to leave the lap of luxury and head back to camp but that's how it goes on this tour - but we are here to ride our bikes not to sit around fancy hotels drinking ice cold cocktails (oh - those mojitos were delicious!) The distances are getting longer now as we head into the last two sections of the tour. Next stop....Botswana. Stay tuned!